Here's a recap of August's shows...
August 2 - Cosmic Railroad Family Gathering, Janesville, WI
Pretty cool small festival in Southern Wisc. During our late afternoon set, the sun set in our faces, blinding and burning us, as we plowed through the tunes. Highlight included "Oye Como Va" with Sean from Cosmic Railroad on percussion, and an impromptu drum jam. Girard, Mackenzie, and Tiff were on hand, and we had fun hanging out after the set. Left Mattias behind, but Tiff returned him in one piece the next day.
August 8 - Bell's Brewery, Kalamazoo, MI
Outdoor show with Michigan locals, Bump. I think we had more fun chatting it up with the Bump guys before/after the show than actually playing the show. We learned about Yorg's philosophy on "Deep V's" and his guilty pleasure of Revenge of the Nerds II. Again, left Mattias behind, but Bump returned him to the hotel the next morning, basically in one piece.
August 9 - Founders, Grand Rapids, MI
Shared the night with Four Finger Five, and heard one of the coolest drum solos in awhile from the FFF drummer. Highlight of the night was finding a $50 bill on the floor!!

August 21 & 22 - Fatfest, Wabasha, MN
After a relaxing weekend off, we headed up to Fatfest in Minnesota for a fun couple of days. Our Thursday night set got a late start due to rain, but we busied ourselves goofing off backstage with Jason Hann and Michael Travis from EOTO/SCI. The set eventually went off without any further rain interruption and the crowd was raging pirate-style!
On Friday night, Jordan and I kicked it with the Everyone Orchestra for some interesting impromptu jams, with a big cast of musicians including Futureman on the drum kit.
August 23 - NV Ultra Lounge, Normal, IL
Our Bloomington/Normal crew was out in full force, including Kayla and her cookies of course. Their enthusiasm helped us get through the frustration of a number of technical difficulties, including a completely inadequate house sound system, and my bass amp completely blowing up mid-show. We tried our bass/drum jam for the first time at this show, and it went pretty well.
August 27 - Mojo's, Columbia, MO
Tested out two new cover tunes at this show: "Subterannean Homesick Blues" (Bob Dylan) and "Love the One You're With" (Steven Stills), both with the usual FGC makeover. Didn't screw 'em up too bad. :)
August 28 - Cicero's, St. Louis, MO
The Hatrick opened up the show, and was one of the most enjoyable support acts we've had in a long time. After the show, went back to enjoy some cushy comfort at the swanky Wyndham suites.

Arrived to the festival late in the afternoon on Friday. Things seemed to be off to a great start. People were filing in and everything was running smooth with production. We hit the stage for our headlining slot and it was awesome! Debuted "Subterranean" for our hometown crowd and closed out the night with a rockin' "American Girl" encore. We ended up lending some of our equipment to Garaj Mahal for their latenight set after ours, making it a very late night for us as well. Had a great time backstage eating Tiff's homemade salsa and hummus.
Sunday night pre-set ended up being kind of a stress for me. I was walking on a dark path back from the bathroom, and my ear plug got knocked out of my ear while brushing a bug off my face. (By "brushing", I actually mean waving my hands frantically and freaking out since I hate bugs!). This

Our Sunday set was a latenight one, starting at 1:30am. We were all exhausted, and the crowd prior to our set seemed pretty beat as well after partying for 3 days. I was a little worried our set would be a bust, but as soon as we hit the stage, the crowd became energized and we ripped through the set, leaving our fatigue in the dust. We did a triple encore, and closed out the festival in style.
That's it for August. Stay tuned for September, hopefully in a more timely manner!